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After struggling for years with postpartum depression, Chelsea had lost herself and was living way below her potential. She was broken, out of shape, miserable and unmotivated. During those years of depression, Chelsea fought hard to get her life back but struggles continued until she discovered it was the small, daily negotiations she was making that kept her in the cycle of negativity.

You don’t have to be struggling with depression to have settled for a life far below your potential. Most of us make small negotiations that hold us back every day and we don’t even realize it. We know that we are capable of so much more, but we can’t figure out how to achieve it.

In her book, The Five Non-Negotiables, Chelsea walks us through the five negotiations we must stop making. This is no ordinary self-help book that tells you what to do; in The Five Non-Negotiables, you take on an active role as you work through carefully crafted questions and assignments designed to help you reprioritize your life and to stop compromising.

This is an in your face, bootcamp in a book that will help you recognize areas that you are negotiating in. You will learn the tools and strategies you need to overcome excuses, become consistent, combat negative thoughts, control your emotions, and build new habits that create a life that you are passionate about. 

You will walk away from this book feeling powerful because of the action you have taken, which will allow you to build the momentum and motivation you need to start pursuing your goals and dreams again.

Anyone can choose to stop negotiating, and when they do, their life becomes remarkable.

Book: Services
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