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  • mrschelsead

3 Easy Things You Can Do to Overcome the BLAHS...

You know those days when you wake up with no motivation, energy or drive.

You don't want to be disciplined or productive... you want to be indulgent and lazy!

You don't necessarily feel depressed, but you don't quite feel like your go-getter self.

I call this the, "blahs".

Although the blahs can be frustrating, you are not completely helpless to fight them off.

Here are the tips and tricks I have learned to help me kiss 💋 the blahs goodbye!

1. Do One Thing

When we have the blahs, one of the hardest parts is simply getting started with the things that we know we should be doing.

Have you ever made one bad choice, maybe you ate the donut for breakfast and then for some strange reason that one bad choice had a domino affect on your entire day and you end up eating bad the rest of the day?

I hate how one small bad choice can lead me down a spiral all day long.

But one good choice can have the same domino effect as one bad choice.

Eating a healthy breakfast or making my bed can set me off into a great day where I am motivated and making good choices.

So when you have the blahs and you are feeling too overwhelmed to do everything you need to do, give yourself permission to do one thing that will at least get you started.

Instead of trying to force myself to complete a big workout on a blah day, I will tell myself that I only have to jog for 10 minutes.

Usually after 10 minutes of jogging I am actually pumped about working out and I will continue on with more exercising.

That one small right choice (like 10 minutes of jogging) can have a domino effect on the rest of my day. After my jog I usually end up also eating a healthy breakfast and being in a more positive mindset.

Here are some examples of small things you can do to get yourself started when you feel blah in these areas.

2. Borrow Other's Motivation

When you feel blah and don't have any motivation of your own, borrow other's motivation.

There is a world full of motivation and inspiration out there that you can tap into.

From TED Talks to Podcasts to motivational music that will help get you going.

The great thing about these resources is that they take virtually no effort to start working.

You literally have to press play on your phone and voila... one of the top motivational speakers in the world can be speaking into your life in seconds!

You can also borrow some motivation from a friend that will encourage you and hold you accountable to your goals and making the most of each day.

This world is full of amazing people and resources to help you stay motivated and focused, so don't try and do this life alone.

Lean into others when you feel blah.

3. Remember Your "Why"

When you don't have motivation it's time to remember why you are doing these things in the first place.

Why are you exercising?

Why are you building this business?

Or making these sales calls?

If you take a few minutes to dig deep, it won't take long to uncover some really important reasons for you to show up today and get past the blahs.

Without your health you can't do anything... You can't travel, take care of your family, work or help others.

That's a huge why.

Your business might be your big dream or the way you are going to provide for your family or retire someday.

Showing up for your business means showing up for your family, your future and building your dreams.

These are HUGE "whys" and when you start thinking about them it is hard to stay sitting on your butt.

Dig deep and remember the things that matter most, get your mind off the blahs and back onto your purpose and why it is so important.

Magic Pill

It is not enough to know what you should do, you have to have the ability to actually do it, even when you have the blahs.

Unfortunately there is no "magic pill" to make you immune to the blahs.

It ultimately boils down to you taking action and deciding to be the type of person who is going to show up even on the days you don't feel like it.

Every time you make the choice to show up despite a lack of motivation you are strengthening the self discipline muscles inside of you.

This kind of internal strength is essential to becoming the type of person you want to be.

You can't fulfill your goals and purpose without it.

You are choosing to show up for yourself and your goals and build the life you are meant to live.

While there is no magic pill, you are now armed with some tools that you can use the next time the blahs hit you.

You never know when the blahs will show up, but now you are ready for them!

Now just promise me one thing, don't forget to use them.

I am rooting for you!

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